Jyoti Rahman

Jyoti Rahman is an applied macroeconomist and writer.

He has had a quarter century of experience in: macro-fiscal forecasting and modelling; public finance and fiscal policy; economic growth and development; structural and supply-side policies including the labour market and population; and international economics.

Until 2021, Mr Rahman worked for the Australian government, mostly in The Treasury but also the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Taxation Office. Since then, he has been a short-term macro-fiscal expert with the Fiscal Affairs Department of the International Monetary Fund. He is the lead architect of the IMF’s standard analytical framework to assess long-term fiscal risks, including from climate change.

Through his work with the IMF, he has helped countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, and the Pacific: analyse long-term fiscal risks, including those from climate change and population ageing; analyse fiscal effects of natural disasters and pandemics; foster institutional reforms to better manage fiscal risks; and improve macro-fiscal diagnostics, forecasts, scenario analysis and policy analysis.

Mr. Rahman has a Masters of Economics from the University of Sydney and is a PhD candidate at the Australian National University. He writes regularly on Bangladesh, which are archived at: (1) Mukti | JRahman | Substack